Membership Application

Membership Application 2024-2025

HIGH IMPORTANCE: Before submitting your EPSYO application, read it over a second time to check for incomplete information & most common spelling errors. Please make sure your EPSYO application is being submitted error free, all tabs must be filled out and correctly answered to avoid any delays in your application process.

Student Status

Please select only one option from each dropdown menu. Should one of these options not apply to you, please select “Not Applicable” to avoid confusion. Thank you!
Please select an audition option above, as well.
This option does not require an audition.

Move up auditions will only be granted to students who have not yet been placed into an orchestra for the 2024-2025 season.

Student Information

Student's Name (Follow Name Order: Last Name + First Name)(Required)
Please fill out FULL STUDENT'S NAME, if incomplete you will be required to re-submit your entire EPSYO application.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Student's Full Address (Number, Street, State, Zip Code) Example: 103 Apple St. El Paso, TX 79912(Required)
Please fill out complete address, if incomplete you will be required to re-submit your ENTIRE EPSYO application.
*Only used to contact student in case of an emergency during rehearsal.
*Not Parents email

School Information

*attending during 2024-2025 school year
Will you be graduating from High School in 2025?(Required)

Musical Background

*Students who only play piano or saxophone should call the EPSYO office at (915) 525-8978 before applying.
Instrument Experience(Required)
Are you currently enrolled in a Music Program?(Required)

Parent/Guardian Information

Mother’s Name or Legal Guardian’s Name (Follow Name Order: Last Name + First Name)(Required)
Please fill out FULL PARENTS NAME, if incomplete you will be required to re-submit your entire EPSYO application.
Area Code + Number
Mother’s Address (if different from Student's)
Please fill out complete address if necessary, if incomplete you will be required to re-submit your ENTIRE EPSYO application.

Father’s Name or Legal Guardian’s Name (Follow Name Order: Last Name + First Name)(Required)
Please fill out FULL PARENTS NAME, if incomplete you will be required to re-submit your entire EPSYO application.
Area Code + Number
Father’s Address (Only if different from Student's)
Please fill out complete address if necessary, if incomplete you will be required to re-submit your ENTIRE EPSYO application.

How did you hear about the EPSYO?

Please select at least one box:(Required)
**If you have any questions, you can call us at (915) 525-8978 or (915) 227-2299. **Si tiene preguntas adicionales, por favor llame a (915) 525-8978 o a (915) 227-2299.