Season Sponsorship

Make your impact by sponsoring an entire EPSYO Season!

Sponsor Benefits

Logo Placement

Prominent brand or logo placement on signage, programs, newsletters, organization website and social media platforms.

Program Book Ad

Full page color ad in an EPSYO season program and recognition of your name in season press releases and promotional materials.

Media Recognition
Recognition of your name on the concert listing on the EPSYO website and on EPSYO Social Media platforms.
Complimentary Tickets
Vouchers for complimentary tickets to season performances and discounts on additional tickets.
Promo Items
Opportunity to distribute product and promotional items based on mutually agreeable provisions between the sponsor and the El Paso Symphony Youth Orchestras.
Curtain Speech
Your individual name with the wording “sponsored by” will be included on the respective concert title page in the program and opportunity for you to make a curtain speech prior to your sponsored program. (In lieu of a speech, the sponsorship is still recognized by an EPSYO Executive or Conductor)
Sponsor EPSYO
Contact the EPSYO office at (915) 525-8978 or email us for more information.

Our Sponsors

Special Thanks

Thank you to our Founders ($20,000+) and Partners ($10,000 to $19,999).